The Timber Rattler, is a venomous pit viper  found throughout most of the southeastern United States and ranges northward from Iowa into Wisconsin and Minnesota. They are a large, heavy-bodied rattlesnake, that can attain a length of about 3.5 feet and  may reach up to 6 feet in some cases.

Our Rattlesnakes  are perfect and safe for educational purposes and displays.  The body color may be yellow, gray, dark brown or black

Sizes available:   13",  37", 44", 48", 52"

Timber Rattler
Click to enlarge photos
48"  Timber Rattler
Marine Creations Taxidermy
" the Forever Fish Replicas"
52"  Timber Rattler
Each Rattlesnake mount is painstakingly painted to our customer's picture or preference with amazing detail and realism.  Our Replica fiberglass Snake mounts are not just "new age" taxidermy but works of art.

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