" the Forever Fish Replicas "
Fish and Marine life are my obsession. My passion
for Art and Biology, reflects in my fish mounts.
I don't have a staff here or other artist working under
me. The mount is finished and painted, by myself.
It is a personal, and intimate experience, to know
the fish I am working on will be hanging in your
house or office.
I'm also an avid fisherman, and love to spend time out
on the water. The main reason I moved from New Jersey
to Florida is to do this all year around. There's nothing
more I rather do, than catch fish.
Below are some of my other works. such as paintings,
drawings, and photography
Egret: Pastel on paper 24"x 36"
Sid Vicious: Oil on Canvas
18"x 28"
Self Portrait : Acrylic on Canvas 18"x 28"